How to Install Metal Roofing

Metal roofs look great, last a long time, and stand up to extreme weather conditions. But getting a quality installation requires the right materials and tools.

Screw-in-the-rib proponents argue that screws placed in the flat areas cause more leak points than those placed in a rib. They also don't create the proper gasket compression.

Measure Your Roof

Whether you’re installing a metal roof or roof shingles, the exact dimensions of your roof are essential. Precise measurements will help you avoid buying too much material and save time when preparing for installation.

Start by drawing a hand sketch of the top-down view of your roof, making note of sections and angles. Don’t worry if the sketch isn’t to scale; it’s just a helpful reference point for the various measurements you will make later on.

Measure the length and width of each side of the roof, including any peaks and valleys, to find the total square footage. Multiply this number by the pitch of your roof (the slope at which your shingles or panels will be installed) to calculate how many sheets or panels you need.

Order Your Materials

Metal roofs can be made from a wide range of materials, including tin, zinc, aluminum and copper. They are also available in a variety of styles.

If you’re completing the project yourself, find a manufacturer that offers direct sales to homeowners. This will allow you to buy the material you need at a discounted price. You may also be able to purchase extra material in case you make an error during the cutting process.

Use tin snips to cut the metal panels, making sure to work slowly. If you’re not sure how to do this, ask a professional for help. Start at the eaves and work your way up, securing the screws as you go. Make sure to lay the ridge cap properly, following the manufacturer’s instructions for installing it.

Cut Your Metal

While shingles might be easier for the average homeowner to install, metal roofing is more complex. It requires precision to ensure there are no gaps, which could cause leaks. It also requires a higher level of expertise and safety when working on your roof, as it involves high elevations and sharp tools.

Before you start work, put on protective goggles, gloves and a harness before climbing onto your roof. Be sure to check for electrical wires, tree branches, lightning rod ground wires and guy wires that could all pose tripping hazards. You’ll also want to add closure strips consisting of foam rubber, which adhere to the edges of your new roof and fill the gap between the metal panel and the underlayment. This helps prevent rodents and birds from nesting in the space and reduces noise.

Fasten Your Metal

Metal roofs are a smart investment, and many insurance companies offer discounts on homeowner’s policies. They’re fireproof and can lessen storm damage, which can save money on repairs or replacements.

When installing metal roofing, it’s important to follow the guidelines for fastening your roof. For example, if you’re laying metal paneling that overlaps at the eaves, be sure to use a sealant.

Another important tip is to clean the places where you’ve drilled into your roof with a soft-bristled broom or brush. If you don’t clean the metal shavings from these areas, they can cause corrosion spots on your roof.

Finish the Roof

Metal roofs look great and can last a long time, but they need to be properly installed to protect your home from the elements. This project can be accomplished by a homeowner, but requires a bit of specialized knowledge and tools.

A professional installation may be necessary to address specific problems or install features such as skylights, chimneys, plumbing stacks, roof vents and other features. However, installing a metal roof is still a less costly option than replacing asphalt shingles and can be done by most homeowners.

Always use the proper safety gear and caution when working on a roof, especially if it’s an old one. Also, make sure you have a window of good weather to complete the job. And, remember to check your local regulations on whether a building permit is required for a roofing project.

Flat Roof Company

Roofing Baltimore

Baltimore roofer

Baltimore roofing

Metal roofs look great, last a long time, and stand up to extreme weather conditions. But getting a quality installation requires the right materials and tools. Screw-in-the-rib proponents argue that screws placed in the flat areas cause more leak points than those placed in a rib. They also don't create the proper gasket compression. Measure…